Why You Need to Ventilate Your Home

October 12, 2015

Ventilation is very important in an energy-efficient home and it helps control moisture allowing homes to breathe. If it’s lacking ventilation it can lead to mold growth and eventually lead to structural damage. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is the determining body on how much a home’s living area should be ventilated. Here is the formula, if you are interested: CFM = 0.03A + 7.5 (# bedrooms + 1)] as published by ASHRAE 62.2 in 2013 There are three basic ventilation strategies: Natural ventilation Spot...

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Choosing the Right Size Furnace – Bigger Isn’t Always Better

September 29, 2015

Updated: December 14, 2023 In a lot of ways, bigger is better: pizza, hotel rooms, beds, budgets, the list goes on. But when it comes to your furnace, the opposite could be more beneficial for your home. Are you a “proud” owner of a big furnace, disappointed in its performance? You might be experiencing some very common problems like high utility bills, inconsistent temperatures throughout your home, or too-short heating cycles.

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8 of the Top 10 “Homeowner Pet Peeves” are Related to Home Air Quality

September 23, 2015

Many homeowners can understand the pains of keeping their home comfortable. From cleanliness to lighting to security, there are many important things that contribute to it, and no doubt air quality takes a huge chunk of what homeowners worry about. A recent survey identified the top 10 home pet peeves many people experience and 8 of them were related to home air quality. Here, we have listed them and shared potential do-it-yourself solutions to your biggest problems. #8. Your basement is damp A damp basement is a common occurrence among households. It can...

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An Expensive HVAC System Doesn’t Always Mean It’s Energy Efficient

September 18, 2015

“HVAC systems now come with higher efficiencies than ever, with air-source cooling equipment surpassing the 25-SEER mark and gas furnaces achieving more than 98 percent AFUE. Customers who pay for these highly efficient (and expensive) systems expect them to achieve those ratings and provide superior comfort, and, if they don’t, they are often disappointed and even angry.

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