Digital Thermostats – Your Next Gift to Yourself (HINT: It’s NOT the Nest)

It seems like when it comes to technology, everybody wants the latest craze. (Do you know anyone who waited in a line for or pre-ordered the newest iPhone? I do.) Well, it is the same with digital thermostats.

264854-thermostats-venstar-t5900These kinds of gadgets are new and exciting additions to your life, and, to be frank, they’re just really cool. Sometimes, though, I wish not everyone and their mom was buying one, and it was just me who had something everyone wants. It’s not hard to run to Best Buy or Target to pick something up, so where can you get some exclusivity with your purchases? It just takes a little extra research, and I already did it for you.

I recently stumbled upon a digital thermostat that I think more people should have but don’t. Why don’t they? It isn’t sold in retail–I feel like I’ve stumbled upon this awesome little secret. I’ve realized that some of the best technologies are hidden gemstones, and the Venstar Digital ColorTouch is my latest great find. Here is why it’s awesome.

It’s as simple as you want it

They say that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. You might think of “high-resolution touch screen digital thermostats” to be overly complicated. But for those of us in relationships or who have a family, complicated is the last thing we need.

But this digital thermostat is actually very easy to setup, the programming is simple, and instructions are easy-to-follow. It can be switched between programmable or non-programmable, and it’s easy to set adjustable timers and dead bands for your home’s climate. Whether you’re tech-savvy or not, you can still reap the benefits and fun from it.

Digital Thermostats you can take with you

The Venstar Colortouch has an app for your phone.

You can control it from the couch, your office, or on the other side of the world. With its wifi compatibility, you’ll always know your home’s current climate so you can adjust it accordingly. You can even text your thermostat.

It saves you money

With other digital thermostats, you’re usually limited to only a set number of certain programs, but we know not all days are the same. If you need to stay later for work, run an errand, or return early, you can adjust your A/C or turn up the heat–no need to waste energy in your home when you’re not even there.

You can even set this digital thermostat so nobody can set the A/C too low or the heat too high. Set an access code, so your kids (who don’t pay the bill) won’t drive your energy bill up!

Digital Thermostats that are good-looking

It’s slick. It’s simple. And it comes in a variety of colors and has a variety of themes.


This thermostat has customizable background “screensavers” where you can choose from a variety of their preset themes or have your own custom image. It’s a thermostat disguised as a digital picture frame. Work of art and something that keeps your home comfortable? Yes, please.

You get your options

Whether you want it  for resident use or commercial use, you’ll find a variety of these digital thermostats that works for you. They have three models for resident use. Other Venstar thermostat models have other capabilities like controlling humidity and de-humidity. But don’t worry, the cool stuff like wifi control and screensavers stay the same!

If you’re looking for commercial use to your Venstar thermostat, they offer three different models as well. With 365-day-a-year programming and third party monitoring and control, you’ll get everything you need for your business.

Digital thermostats seem to be all the rage these days, so how can you decide which one? With a variety of them out there it can be hard to decide, but after doing some research, I think Venstar ColorTouch is a winner, and I proudly hang it in my own home.

Author: Joe Tollari