8 Reasons Why Your Heat Isn’t Working

HVAC Technician Performing Heating Maintenance in Des Moines, IA

As the temperatures drop during the winter months, it’s natural to want to crank up the heat in your home to stay warm and comfortable. While it’s important to stay warm, it’s equally important to regulate the temperature in your home to prevent potential health and safety hazards. When your heat isn’t working, it can be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and downright annoying. Wondering what’s happening with your HVAC system? Here are some possible reasons why you need to call your HVAC technician to restore your home’s comfort.

1. Thermostat Issues

A faulty thermostat may prevent your system from turning on. Whether it needs new batteries or there is a disconnect between your wall unit and your system, it will need to be repaired in order to restore efficient heat to your home.

2. Power Supply Issues

Power outages and tripped circuit breakers can cause your heating system to stop working. Check breaker boxes and other appliances in your home to get to the root cause of a possible power failure.

3. Pilot Light Dysfunction

If you use a gas furnace, a pilot light that is not working properly may prevent your furnace from properly lighting and heating air for distribution through your home.

4. Clogged, Dirty Air Filters

A clogged air filter will cause your heating system to overheat and shut off as a safety mechanism. Regularly changing filters and cleaning your system will prevent premature shut-off and keep you warm and toasty.

5. Dirty Burners

Dirty burners for a gas furnace will prevent your system from lighting efficiently, much like a faulty pilot light. Clean and inspect burners regularly to prevent issues with lighting.

6. Faulty Blower Motor

The blower motor in your heating system is responsible for circulating warm air through rooms in your home. If it is not working, then your system may fail to turn on as a safety precaution.

7. Faulty Limit Switch

Your limit switch is a safety device that turns off the furnace if it operates too hot. Faulty limit switches can cause your system to shut down prematurely, resulting in a loss of heat.

8. Ignition Switch Problems

Gas and propane furnaces have an ignition switch that may malfunction, preventing your furnace from turning on. Ignition switch issues may also cause cool air to blow from the vents.

We’ll Get You Up and Running!

Whatever the cause of your heating issue, it’s uncomfortable and must be corrected. Metro Heating & Cooling has been proudly serving valued clients in Des Moines and the surrounding areas since 1984. Our reputation for excellent service and client satisfaction has customers coming back time and again for HVAC solutions that work. We offer heating and cooling installation, repair, and maintenance for furnaces, ACs, and geothermal systems. Our team also offers fireplace and indoor air quality services. Contact us to set up an appointment for your system today!

Author: Joe Tollari
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